
Are you or your child easily distracted? Do you have trouble completing tasks or following instructions? Is your child struggling, particularly with reading comprehension and math, despite motivation and hard work? Poor working memory could be part of the problem.

Working memory is the ability to keep information in your mind for a short time, focus on a task and remember what to do next. It is a critical function closely related to the attention necessary for a wide range of cognitive tasks, and is one of the best predictors of academic achievement.

Studies consistently show that problems with attention and learning are often caused by poor working memory. This holds true for those with ADHD, learning disabilities, or milder forms of learning and attention problems. Cogmed can help.


What is Cogmed?

Cogmed Working Memory Training is a web-based intervention for attention problems caused by poor working memory. Cogmed combines cognitive neuroscience with innovative computer game design and close professional support to deliver substantial and lasting benefits to our users. With our coaching and support you will likely improve in the ABC's of Cogmed: Attention, Behavior and Capacity to Learn.


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